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Железное королевство. Взлет и падение Пруссии, 1600-1947 гг. - Кристофер Кларк

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134–5; Mittenzwei, Preussen nach dem Siebenjährigen Krieg, pp. 39–50.

85. Straubel, Kaufleute und Manufakturunternehmer, pp. 397–8, 408–9; for a positive assessment of the impact of tax commissioners on local, developments, see Heinrich, ‘Staatsaufsicht und Stadtfreiheit’, in Rausch (ed.), Städte Mitteleuropas, pp. 155–72, esp. p. 165.

7 Struggle for Mastery


1. H. M. Scott, ‘Prussia’s Emergence as a European Great Power, 1740–1763’, in Dwyer (ed.), Rise of Prussia, pp. 153–76, here p. 161.

2. Frederick II, De la Littérature Allemande; des defauts qu’on peut lui reprocher; quelles en sont les causes; et par quels moyens on peut les corriger (Berlin, 1780; repr. Heilbronn, 1883), pp. 4–5, 10.

3. T. C. W. Blanning, The Culture of Power and the Power of Culture. Old Regime Europe 1660–1789 (Oxford, 2002), p. 84.

4. Frederick II, The Refutation of Machiavelli’s Prince, or Anti-Machiavel, intro. and trans. Paul Sonnino (Athens, O, 1981), pp. 157–62.

5. Dietrich, Die politischen Testamente, pp. 657–9.

6. Wolfgang Pyta, ‘Von der Entente Cordiale zur Aufkündigung der Bündnispartnerschaft. Die preussisch-britischen Beziehungen im Siebenjährigen Krieg 1758–1762’, FBPG, New Series 10 (2000), pp. 1–48, here pp. 41–2.

7. For a discussion of the historical works, see Kunisch, Friedrich der Grosse, pp. 102–3, 119, 218–23.

8. Frederick William I, Instruction for his Successor (1722); Frederick II, Political Testament of 1752, both in Dietrich, Die politischen Testamente, pp. 243, 255.

9. Ibid., p. 601.

10. Jacques Brenner (ed.), Mémoires pour servir à la vie de M. de Voltaire, écrits par luimême (Paris, 1965), p. 45.

11. Ibid., p. 43.

12. Kunisch, Friedrich der Grosse, p. 60.

13. David Wootton, ‘Unhappy Voltaire, or “I shall Never Get Over it as Long as I Live” ’, History Workshop Journal, no. 50 (2000), pp. 137–55.

14. Giles MacDonogh, Frederick the Great. A Life in Deed and Letters (London, 1999), pp. 201–4.

15. Paul Noack, Elisabeth Christine und Friedrich der Grosse. Ein Frauenleben in Preussen (Stuttgart, 2001), p. 107.

16. Ibid., p. 142; Biskup, ‘Hidden Queen’, passim.

17. Noack, Elisabeth Christine, pp. 185–6.

18. Frederick to Duhan de Jandun, 19 March 1734, in Preuss (ed.), Oeuvres de Frédéric II (31 vols., Berlin, 1851), vol. 17, p. 271.

19. PRO SP 90/2, 90/3, 90/4, 90/5, 90/6, 90/7.

20. Charles Ingrao, The Habsburg Monarchy 1618–1815 (Cambridge, 1994), p. 152.

21. Frederick William I, ‘Last Speech’ (28 May 1740), in Dietrich (ed.), Die politischen Testamente, p. 246. The speech was minuted by the State and Cabinet Minister Heinrich Count von Podewils.

22. Walter Hubatsch, Friedrich der Grosse und die preussische Verwaltung (Cologne, 1973), p. 70.

23. H. M. Scott, ‘Prussia’s Emergence’, in Dwyer (ed.), Rise of Prussia, pp. 153–76.

24. Schieder, Frederick the Great, p. 95; Hubatsch, Friedrich der Grosse, p. 70; Kunisch, Friedrich der Grosse, p. 167.

25. Schieder, Frederick the Great, p. 235.

26. For analyses of the battles of the first two Silesian wars, see David Fraser, Frederick the Great. King of Prussia (London, 2000), pp. 91–5, 116–9, 178–84; Christopher Duffy, Frederick the Great. A Military Life (London, 1985), pp. 21–75; Dennis Showalter, The Wars of Frederick the Great (Harlow, 1996), pp. 38–89.

27. Johannes Kunisch, ‘Friedrich II., der Grosse (1740–1786)’, in Kroll (ed.), Preussens Herrscher, pp. 160–78, here p. 166.

28. T. C. W. Blanning, ‘Frederick the Great and Enlightened Absolutism’, in H. M. Scott (ed.), Enlightened Absolutism. Reform and Reformers in Later Eighteenth-century Europe (London, 1990), pp. 265–88, here p. 281.

29. Kunisch, Friedrich der Grosse, p. 332.

30. William J. McGill, ‘The Roots of Policy: Kaunitz in Vienna and Versailles 1749–1753’, Journal of Modern History, 43 (1975), pp. 228–44.

31. Frederick II, Anti-Machiavel, pp. 160–62. On the ambiguities of the Anti-Machiavel, see Schieder, Frederick the Great, pp. 75–89; Kunisch, Friedrich der Grosse, pp. 126–8.

32. Situation paper by Kaunitz, 7 September 1778 in Karl Otmar von Aretin, Heiliges Römisches Reich 1776–1806. Reichsverfassung und Staatssouveränität (2 vols., Wiesbaden, 1967), vol. 2, p. 2.

33. On the reasons for this defeat and Frederick’s role in it, see Reinhold Koser, ‘Bemerkung zur Schlacht von Kolin’, in FBPG, 11 (1898), pp. 175–200.

34. Scott, ‘Prussia’s Emergence’, p. 175.

35. During the last years of the war, the quality of the Prussian rank and file began to deteriorate under the pressure of the high mortality among infantrymen. Frederick compensated for this to some extent by improving the training and deployment of the Prussian artillery.

36. C. F. R. von Barsewisch, Meine Kriegserlebnisse während des Siebenjährigen Krieges 1757–1763. Wortgetreuer Abdruck aus dem Tagebuche des Kgl. Preuss. GeneralQuartiermeister-Lieutenants C. F. R. von Barsewisch (2nd edn, Berlin, 1863), pp. 75, 77.

37. Helmut Bleckwenn (ed.), Preussische Soldatenbriefe (Osnabrück, 1982), p. 18.

38. Franz Reiss to his wife, Lobositz, 6 October 1756, in Bleckwenn (ed.), Preussische Soldatenbriefe, p. 30.

39. Barsewisch, Meine Kriegserlebnisse, pp. 46–51.

40. [Johann] Wilhelm von Archenholtz, The history of the Seven Years War in Germany, trans. F. A. Catty (Frankfurt/Main, 1843), p. 102.

41. Horst Carl, ‘Unter fremder Herrschaft. Invasion und Okkupation im Siebenjährigen Krieg’, in Kroener and Pröve (eds.), Krieg und Frieden, pp. 331–48, here p. 335.

42. Comte de Saint-Germain to M. Paris Du Verney, Mühlhausen, 19 November 1757, cited in Carl, ‘Invasion und Okkupation’, pp. 331–2.

43. von Archenholtz, Seven Years War, p. 92.

44. Horst Carl, ‘Invasion und Okkupation’, p. 341.

45. The key reference text on the Austro-French background to the diplomatic revolution is still Max Braubach, Versailles und Wien von Ludwig XIV bis Kaunitz. Die Vorstadien der diplomatischen Revolution im 18 Jahrhundert (Bonn, 1952).

46. Michel Antoine, Louis XV (Paris, 1989), p. 743.

47. The quotations come from Jean-Louis Soulavie, Charles de Peyssonnel and Louis Philippe Comte de Ségur respectively and are cited in T. C. W. Blanning, The French Revolutionary Wars, 1787–1802 (London, 1996), p. 23.

48. On the demonization of Marie Antoinette, see the essays in Dena Goodman (ed.), Marie Antoinette: Writings on the Body of a Queen (London, 2003).

49. Manfred Hellmann, ‘Die Friedenschlüsse von Nystad (1721) und Teschen (1779) als Etappen des Vordringens Russlands nach Europa’, Historisches Jahrbuch, 97/8 (1978), pp. 270–88. More generally: Walther Mediger, Moskaus Weg nach Europe. Der Aufstieg Russland zum europäischen Machtstaat im Zeitalter Friedrichs des Grossen (Brunswick, 1952); for an analysis of the broader consequences of the Seven Years War for the European states system, see H. M. Scott, The Emergence of the Eastern Powers, 1756–1756 (Cambridge, 2001),

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